Norman Records review Tex La Homa

Driebergen-Zeist, by Tex La Homa (CD on Sonic Oyster)


Cover art for Driebergen-Zeist by Tex La Homa Description: Ltd CDr on Sonic Oyster
Format: CD
Label: Sonic Oyster
Price: £6.49
Cat#: SOR32
Availability: despatched in 1 working day

What you say about Driebergen-Zeist, by Tex La Homa

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What we say about Driebergen-Zeist, by Tex La Homa

Rating: happy This record left our Brett feeling happy.

More droneyness, this time kinda sounding like someone trudging through fresh snow while playing an accordion with near-infinite reverb. Now it sounds like a funny sort of siren or something.. Now someone opening and shutting a car door. Now some people talking about summat. Now we're inside a moving car and it's raining. So essentially you've got a tidy drone track augmented by a selection of processed field recordings which are currently making me feel like I'm on a stretcher being taken to hospital, woozily drifting in and out of consciousness. I don't know if I particularly want to feel like that but full credit is definitely due to Tex La Homa for doing such a fine job of creating such a strong narrative in my mind.. I'm sure you could probably pull a different story out of each listen of this if you tried. It's like buying several mind DVDs at once.

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